
  • Date Started: January 2022
  • Total Time used: 40 hours


Full stack web application with front-back end separation: Frontend using ReactJS server, Backend framework with Django, Django built-in SQLite database, front-back end interaction with RestfulAPI Calls Serialized with CORS Mechanism. Project is developed with two group members utilizing Agile Methodology, split into different phases for objectives.


• Web application for different user groups focusing on the social interaction between restaurant owners and diners.
• Great UI/UX Design and Easy to access redirection for a seamless experience.

Ext2 File System

  • Date Started: November 2021
  • Total Time used: 28 hours


Ext2 File System implemented with the ability to make directories, copy and remove files, and create links, purely coded and completed in C under Linux. Project is accomplished with a group member utilizing Agile Methodology.


• One of the three romances of programmers: Operating System. Expanded the knowledge in FS and OS and their structures.
• Implemented with persistence, concurrency and virtualization in mind, acquired locks and checked for inodes.

Contacts Organizer

  • Date Started: October 2020
  • Contact:
  • Total Time used: 6 hours
  • Last Updated: 2022/01/03
  • Version: 1.01


This program can add contacts, delete contacts, search contacts and list out all contacts stored locally, encrypted with base64 for extra security. Run the program with any Python interpreter to edit contacts locally.


• Implemented the ability to search, locate, add, delete and list out local contacts stored.
• User friendly console interaction with high efficiency.
• Directly write and read from a local file with base64 encryption for increased security.

Bilibili Crawler

  • Date Started: April 2020
  • Contact:
  • Total Time used: 3 hours
  • Last Updated: 2022/01/03
  • Version: 1.01


Implemented the ability to crawl comments at and then convert all comments into a local file.


• Implemented the ability to crawl comments on Bilibili into a local file.
• Led a significant speed advantage on comments crawling by API realization.
• Significant speed increased comparing to manual crawling.